Is the whole Justice-Department System in the EU, a terrorist system?! Based on our experience with the “justice”-depertment terrorism from Austria

The whole Justice System in the European Union is based on political terrorism.
An article will also appear here which, together with the article about the police, will show that there are ONLY TERRORISTS in the state apparatus and the media, all of whom must be comprehensively executed..!!
Especially with the child raping and terrorism organizations SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ, NEOS and Green Party.
Because absolutely every prosecutor is a terrorist, just like judges who can do absolutely anything to launder money and finance terrorism, such as filing criminal charges, passing on information to political parties who then sell it to foreign secret services.
I can only point this out and warn that if someone sets up a company in Austria, as in other EU countries, they are probably involved in terrorist activities from day one!