attention please
The articles are not yet complete, most of the relevant information is not included yet. But they will be added soon!

Are all media owners child molesters and are all their journalists whores?
Based on our research, we can answer that with a big YES. The article about it will appear here..!!

Is the whole Justice-Department System in the EU, a terrorist system?! Based on our experience with the “justice”-depertment terrorism from Austria
The whole Justice System in the European Union is based on political terrorism. An article will also appear here which, together with […]

0-5% Flatrate Tax are enough..!!
Why 0-5% Taxes Are Enough: A Case for Minimum Taxation In a world where high taxes are often seen as a necessary […]

Who has benefited most from the Covid-19 “crisis”, using Austria as an example as an EU country.
Companies that are close to the parties, media and well-known people. Who has lost the most because of politicians, media and large […]

Remigration as a slogan for a symbol of completely broken/failed states
The right-wingers use it as a slogan for the repatriation of migrants to their countries of origin.The left-wingers use it to demonize […]

LGBTQ, Are they all mentally ill?
I can answer this question, it is. YES. Homosexually was classified in the ICD-8 as Neurotic illness and was removed for political […]