Was the terrorist-attack on Taylor Swift a plan by the media and her left-wing friends?

There seems to be evidence of this..
The headlines such as Islamic State blows up Taylor Swift in Vienna, killing thousands of Swift fans, would only have helped the Austrian media.
And there is evidence that one of the terrorists was infiltrated into the organizer’s company and Ewald Tatar’s contacts in the left-wing scene such as the SPÖ etc. are known, as are his contacts with the media such as oe24 etc., who were the first to report on the Vienna terrorist attack and always involve the same people.
A trail is emerging that can no longer be denied and that proves what I am saying, everyone in Austria who is financed with taxpayers’ money is a terrorist.
And how the right-wing parties use this scandal to mobilize for left-wing feminists, because they are only pseudo-right-wing parties..
Maybe these idiots’ next project will be a “feminist fight day”?!
It was only because the police did not want to be responsible for another terrorist attack that they were motivated to investigate this case.
There are also rumors that Taylor Swift used her political contacts with left-wing terrorist parties such as SPÖ, ÖVP, Green Party, NEOS and FPÖ and staged the alleged terrorist attack together with the police because she did not want to perform and would rather go shopping.
Due to the Vienna mass psychosis, we now have the psychological assumption that “Swifties” have the same IQ as a rhesus monkey
The article will appear here..